Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Catch Up

Good Evening,
Today the Gardner was extremely slow, so slow that the traffic backed up all the way to the 427. So I took back roads all the way home and my entire drive took me only an extra 20min! Success I would say!

So like I had mentioned previously, I worked late today which means the only thing on the list tonight is going to Rona and making a shopping list. The other day Ryan and I found out that we could buy all the items we need at once and by asking for certain items to be on separate requisitions we can pick up material in small stages! That means instead of our basement housing all the stuff we need for the reno, Rona will house it!

So I will leave you pictures from Ryan's progress yesterday and hope to have more for you in the next few days. Since we do have to order everything from Rona before Sunday (when I leave for Ottawa for my sisters birthday!!!) we will have to do a lot of paperwork and organizing to make sure we don't miss anything.

Oh, I forgot. Ryan installed a new plumbing system for the outside faucets. The new system works without having an additional shut off valve on the inside of the house for each faucet. He also installed some window film so that no one can look into our basement but at the same time the film allows sunshine to get in.

Insulation! Like a coffee cup...

Green may be a nice colour...

I don't know why... just cute! He was sleeping like that!

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