Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Bathroom Break!

We started with wanting to re-seal around the tub,

But, Kristina scraped too hard!

Paint and silicone won't cover that!

So, we may as well clean under the tub, with a crowbar...

Here is me contemplating what I've got into...

Up and out!

Kristina loves to remodel!

Down it goes...

A perfect fit!

Me happy with me!

We might as well fininsh the demolition and get it ready for an insulated wall.

" I claim this room in the name of the Demolition Nation!"

Take that!

A well anchored piece of plywood for the grab handle...

Exterior wall is now ready for insulating...

and a tub!

Or a cat!

Clean and the toilet and sink are usable again!

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