Monday, April 16, 2007

Tile Tiles and More Tiles

This post isn't too exciting but having something new to read is!

Last weekend I worked overtime which meant I didn't do anything in the basement once I got home. Then on Sunday it was Ryan's brothers b-day so we went out to celebrate which meant we didn't do anything on that day except for a little bit of tiling.

This weekend I am working over time again but I have my compressed work week day so I'll still get two days off from work.

Anything else? Not really. The weather is supposed to be beautiful this weekend! Let's hope it helps motivate me.

Enjoy the pictures!

Ryan tiling the "toilet" room. There are a lot of intricate cuts to do here.

It's growing!

Now to the shower stall where the floor tiles have been adhered. What a lovely shelf!

A closer look for those who are interested!

A view from above! I'm actually taking the picture from the laundry shoot above. Tricky me. Anything for a good shot.


Ryan is happy!

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