Monday, April 16, 2007

April 7-14

We've condensed this week into one posting for lack of interesting content.

I've been working on the unglamorous job of tape and putty, daily. It'll be boring until, POOF!, it's a painted room!
Howwever, we've switched sides as far as what the focus is on. So, I've been working on completeing the more glamorous work on the shower stall by the sauna.
At Kristina's insistence, I have installed an alcove-type shelf to hold shampoos and the various girly-potions. I thought that I'd be able to get away with a couple corner shelves for soap and a shampoo, but it seems that would have been insufficient and easy.
I just hope the thing doesn't leak since my experience with tile showers is limited. Let's call it a learning experience.

The framing of the shower-stall redux!

Densheild being installed...

almost completely done.

Seams sealed and finising the outside.

Now to lay-out the floor tiles starting around the drain.

Nothing beats the control from a wet tile-saw. I hope it fits...

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