1am on a work night again... I think this will be another short post but with lots of pictures.
Tonight it took me over 2 hours to get home because the Gardiner had to be shut down. Why you ask? Because the CN Tower had sheets of ice clinging to it and with the high wind some pieces were falling off onto the Gardiner. What's safety over saving a few minutes? Goodness.
So I got off to a late start with helping Ryan but then we worked late too so we still got a lot done. Tonight I came home and started pulling down the ceiling while Ryan worked on demolishing the hallway and updating some electrical wires.
After I pulled down the entire ceiling Ryan and I made 2 runs to the dump. It is now official, our 1 tonne permit limit has been reached.
Guess what I found pulling down the ceiling? A penny! And guess what year it is? 1957!! The same year as the mirror receipt. Another sub-theme!
Ok, that's it for me right now. I may add more to the post tomorrow at lunch. Ryan said he was going to write too but in the morning.

Ryan taking down the wall that we were originally going to leave until last.
Me pulling down the ceiling which is made of a rocklath material. It's basically drywall with plaster so it's a heavier material.

Just hanging around! My poor little fingers were aching by the end of the evening.

The basement without a finished ceiling. We didn't allow Chance to come into the basement until after the heavy duty construction. When he did get to go down he was so skittish that Ryan and I think that he doesn't understand what happened, so much work done in so little time!

Another angle.

Ryan playing with wires.

The lucky 1957 penny we found!

The stairs. Hopefully soon this picture will be just a fond memory!

Ryan hiding under the stairs!

The stairway after the demolition. Part one.

The stairway after the demolition. Part two.

The shoe cubby.
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