Inspector Chance takes a closer look to see if Ryan installed the coupler properly while Ryan was out shopping at Rona. All our work is "cat scanned"!!!
Chance wonders why the pipe he is sniffing is smaller in diameter than the one behind his butt. Now he understands why Ryan had to go out to Rona, to buy another coupler. Ryan makes it past this round!
After lugging all the large pieces of concrete through a maze of stairs, cars and black ice (with my really bad knee) I saw that I had an "opportunity" to battle through more concrete and lots of clay. You always have to look for the "opportunities" in life! I may need to redefine the word "opportunity"! Can you see how excited I am?
The pick helped when the shovel couldn't. "Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to bed I go, with a broken back and a layer of dust, hi ho, hi ho, hi ho, hi ho"!
The installation was successful!
After I went upstairs to start uploading pictures for the blog, Ryan decided to conquer a concrete slab. All I heard from upstairs were the flying pieces of cement hitting the main level floor!
So most of the pipes are roughed in for the bathtub, toilet, and sink. Ryan needs to pick up a few more pieces from Rona to finish the job. This means, for tonight, the whistle has blown and it's the end of the day for us. Unfortunately it's been 2 hours getting all these pictures posted and at 11pm I'm past ready for bed, I'm sleep typing! I figure it's a well deserved thing to do for our readers since we haven't posted much in the past week. Well, I'm back from vacation now so get ready for lots more!
One last angle. By the way, since I don't think I will be able to move my body tomorrow it makes me re-think this 2 person renovation... if anyone would like to offer their help it would be greatly appreciated. Just let us know when! A worth while investment if you are planning on doing any reno's of your own in the future, you can count on us!
Good evening and until tomorrow!
Holy snickerdoodles you've been busy!!
Hope Ryan's rested up for more snow removal, I think with the weather that's coming he'll be busy for awhile and the reno's will get slowed down again.
PS- Love the "cat-scanning" work that Chance does, do you pay him in cat treats?
testing one two three.....third sense this time around to writing another novel if it gets no here it goes again.......
Kristina - thank you so much for placing your blog on our favourites. Eventually I'll figure these blog things out. You both have done an amazing job and put so much hard work into it. It's so hard taking on a large job like that - especially with just the two of you - with only week nights and weekends to work at it. You are both doing a great job - I'm so proud of you both!!! Make sure you listen to your bodies and don't push it at the expense of your health....(just a mom note which you know that of course). Glad to see that the inspector is on the job. He is so on the job and I especially like the fact that he 'signs' off on certain projects as they progress. Even signed off twice once. What a supervisor/inspector! It looks fantastic and so much good work has already been accomplished. Wish I could think of a way to get this body to help you......still thinking....... Once again - fabulous on what you both can accomplish....looking forward to checking up more frequently now!!!!Love you bunches. Mom xoxoxo
Thanks Rita and Mom for your comments!!! It's nice getting feedback and knowing that people get to enjoy our site! I think Chance has officially become our sub-theme! Sorry, inspector Chance!
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