As promised I have added the long lost post from before we started purchasing items for the basement. Take a gander!....
"Good Afternoon,
So last night Ryan and I went to Rona to apply for their no interest and no fee for a year credit card. It was quiet nerve racking but it’s something we have to do to get our project rolling. Anyway, within half an hour we had been approved! Thank you Rona! Now this project has become even more of a reality.
Currently Ryan has been measuring and creating a floor plan. Our next step is to set a budget and create a material list. I’d also like to price match our material list with a variety of stores since Rona does provide a price matching service. Ryan has already noticed that glass block is cheaper at Home Depot than Rona. For those of you who are interested in glass block, take note! Then we must work on finishing the “spa” area. I will post some pictures of the basement before we moved in and then what it looks like currently, this will show you the battle we have been fighting in for the past year!
Tonight I plan to sort through a few more boxes and maybe gaze at the floor plan in far away thoughts. A late night in the office accounts for an early night in the basement!"
Now for today's update, Ryan and I stayed up until 2am working on the basement and yes, I did go back into the
basement to help. Going to bed so late
meant that we didn't get up until approx 9:30 this morning. When we did get up I must say that we were quiet efficient. We loaded a bunch of pails of metal to return to the scrap yard and made $30, then we went and
brought some
HHW (household hazardous waste) to the dump and then we went to this great breakfast place called the
Wexford where we had an old fashioned plate of eggs,
homefries and toast, well that's what I had oh yeah, and some fresh orange juice.
Ok, so that didn't have much to do with renovating but I promise you now, the fun begins here..... So after breakfast Ryan and I went to Rona where we had to buy a bunch of products but then the Rona that we have to buy things from (a small temporary stipulation on the credit card) didn't have the tiles we needed so we decided to go to the other Rona across the street, buy what we needed, returned it to the Rona we were at first, oops forgot a small detail, Ryan locked us out of the truck, so after
CAA arrived then we went back to the other Rona where we purchased all our items. Then we went to put them into the truck, little did I know that I would be running across the parking lot after some
Styrofoam that decided to break apart from Ryan. Now we are home where I am taking a break and writing in our blog.
Update on price matching: Ryan noticed that this special drywall was sold for almost $3 less a sheet at Home Depot compared to Rona so we got $3 off plus an additional percentage. And like I mentioned earlier, the glass block at Home Depot is $2 cheaper so we got that off our 6 pieces of glass block plus an
additional percentage! It's totally worth keeping an eye on!
Anyway, tonight our plans are to clean more of the basement and take more items into storage, Ryan is going to put up some strapping in the basement so that we can drywall our block wall in the "Spa" and then hopefully we will get to rest a little although we both agreed that that probably wouldn't happen.
I'll leave you now with some pictures. Pictures? Yes, Pictures!!!!!

So this picture is of the in-law suite just after Ryan and I moved into the house.

And this picture is of the in-law suite just before we moved a bunch of re-used kitchen cabinets into the basement.

And this picture is of the laundry room when we had just moved in.

And this is the laundry room now! It's not done but it's close! Ryan made all the cabinets and the counter top. The reason we made the counter top instead of just buying one was because our counter top is a lot deeper than pre-made tops. More room to fold clothes on!

And this is the spa area after we had cleaned the basement for months. Yes, you read right, cleaned.
Anything else you are interested in that I have not written about or have not included pictures?
Have a great Saturday and keep posted!