Goodbye bathtub. You know I thought something looked a little different in the bathroom!!!
So we got our camera to work, it was the USB hub that was having problems. Anyway, worked that one out.
So today we had a wonderful helper join us for a few hours. I'll give you one hint as to who it was... hint: we were doing demolition. Any idea?! It was Sabrina my sister! It's like demolition and Sabrina go together like wine and cheese...actually probably more like.... well, I can't really think of something.
Anyway, as I sit here listening to the hum of the shop vac I'll give a brief summary of what was done.
So Sabrina showed up and we found some hammers and crow bars and started whacking the heck out of all the tiles in the shower. We whacked, whacked and whacked some more until the tub was ready to be removed. Then we brought the tub into the basement (for the in-law suite bathroom), the tub was really light, or it's just the power I have acquired from the gym in the last little while!!! Then Ryan tore out the plumbing and more of the tiles and in the end Trixie and Chance inspected the job.
That's about it! I've just returned from the gym after attending a brutal kick boxercise class for the first time and now it's almost 11pm and Ryan and I have to bring a load of the bathroom to the dump, so please excuse my lack of writing creativity!
Have a good evening and who knows, Ryan may even want to add something but until then here are some long awaited pictures...

My grandmothers patio done over 40 years ago.

Time to be done again.

Let's remove those weeds and level out the playing area!

Now time to wait for the screenings...
Here they are! I think they were very generous in the amount given!
Put it into the back...
level that out

Tamp it

Put the patio stones back with a few additional stones pulled from our own backyard.

Add some top fill to level out the ground and fill in low areas
of the garden which are next to the house.


And because of the extra screenings we were able to use some in our yard.

see our tomato plants?!
Eventually we will be laying some nice patio stones but that a project for next year or later.

I threw the stuff off the truck and Ryan leveled everything. Goodbye mud pit!